As the end of another year approaches, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you and to wish you and your loved ones a blessed and merry Christmas.

We are so grateful for the year that we have had and for your support during it. We appreciate the relationships we have with our service providers, insurers, advisors, the schemes and their members. You are all partners of ours and we hope that we have added value to your lives and to the year that you have had, as you have to ours.

You may be aware that it is a TSA tradition to have Christmas angels made every year and these are distributed together with cards personally signed by everyone at the company. This year ladies from LIV Village made 450 Christmas angels for us and if you would like to learn more about LIV and this particular initiative and the impact it had on those involved you can click here or visit their website.

We hope you enjoy a safe, restful and wonderful Christmas break and we look forward to serving you again next year.

Yours sincerely,
The TSA Team