TSA Products

Our industry can be a minefield of terminology and fine print, but at TSA we like to keep things simple and simply put – if one of our insurers (Sanlam, Old Mutual, Capital Alliance or Hollard) has a benefit, then that’s a benefit we can get for you. For example…

Group Life Cover
Pays if a member dies.

Education Cover
Pays education fees for dependent children after a member’s death.

Income Protection Disability Cover
Pays up to 75% of a member’s salary on a monthly basis if they’re unable to perform their regular occupation.

Employer Reimbursement Cover
Refunds the employer in full for the salary paid to the member in the waiting period.

Medical Aid Premium Waiver Cover
Pays the medical aid contributions for up to 24 months on successful Income Protection Disability claims.

Lump Sum Disability Cover
Pays a lump sum amount should the member become totally and permanently disabled.

Trauma Cover
Pays an amount should the member contract a traumatic illness.

Accident Cover (death and bodily loss)
Pays an amount should the member die or suffer any form of bodily loss due to an accident.

Spouse’s Cover (death and disability)
Pays an amount should the spouse of a member die or become totally and permanently disabled.

Funeral Cover
Pays an amount should the member, their spouse, or their child die.