With the year already in full swing, we would like to draw your attention to two movements that took place within the TSA Team recently that we hope will improve our service offering to you and your clients.
Many of you would have dealt with Carol Murran in Requotes and Camilla Griffiths in Claims. With more than 30 years of combined TSA experience, they are a wealth of knowledge and expertise so their recent moves into a full time internal Compliance position (Carol) and Training (Camilla) can only benefit the whole of TSA and, in turn, those we serve.
We would like to wish them well in these new positions and look forward to the positive impact they will have throughout TSA. Last year saw other movements and additions to teams inside TSA and so if you haven’t seen it for a while, have a look at The TSA Team page on our website to see the faces behind the names.
Thank you for your ongoing support and we look forward to another great year serving you and your clients.
Thank you and regards,
The TSA Team