Medicals that are requested in the installation process are loaded onto our system and these are actively followed up on by the TSA Medicals team with the intention of getting every member underwritten for their full potential cover.
They will also request for medicals for new members who join a scheme that are over a medical proof free limit, or existing members that require medicals for the first time or again, after forward underwriting has expired or they receive particularly high increases in salaries and cover, for example.
They will send you the required documents and follow up with a gentle reminder for outstanding information, assist with arranging a travelling nurse and will chase the doctor’s rooms to have reports released to the insurers. The Medicals team will stay involved in every case until its completion and the member has received a satisfactory decision from the insurer.
An easy reference list of the team contacts can be found here should you need them.
Thank you and regards,
The TSA Team